Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The "Duh-ha" Moment

I've come up with a new phrase - the "Duh-ha" moment. A duh-ha moment is a hybrid of an Ah-ha moment and a Duh! It's when you suddenly come up with the solution (Ah-ha!) only to realize that, duh, it was so obvious that you can't believe you didn't see it before.

Here was my most recent organizing duh-ha moment. Several months ago I threw into a basket some items that needed to be mended. I also put my sewing basket in there to remind me why I'd put those other items in the basket. I left the basket on the floor in my bedroom near a small dresser where I keep my yoga clothes. I'm a yoga teacher as well as a practioner, so I access the clothing in that dresser on a daily basis.

The result of having the basket on the floor is that I've been unable to open the bottom drawer without first moving the basket. So every day, without thinking, I'd open the drawer part way, only to have it ram into the basket. I'd sigh and think to myself, "I really need to finish the mending so this basket won't be in the way!" (are you beginning to smell the duh-ha moment?)

Last night I had an Ah-ha moment - why not move the basket to another location in the room or perhaps to another room? Now, I know what you're thinking..."Well, duh, how obvious is that?" But that's the reality of the Duh-ha moment. It's both brilliant ("Ah-ha! I figured it out") and humiliating ("Duh! That was so obvious!) at the same time.

Needless to say, rather than finish the mending, which I still need to do, I did move the basket. It's a small thing but how nice it was this morning to have full access to the drawer without having to move that basket.

As you move through your day at home or at the office, look for potential duh-ha opportunities. I'm willing to bet that you'll find some along the way. If you do, please share them here.

1 comment:

  1. Well Mary, I'm glad to see you are back to updating the blog! Good stuff in 2011. ; )
